Luku The Mad Skald | Poetic Eddas for the Modern Boozer

Press Kit

About The Show

Luku the Mad Skald has been dazzling old friends and new alike with his wonderfully melodic Norse tunes, his new versions of favorite classics, drinking songs, and things no one has heard of. Luku's hilarity & interaction during shows and leading adult pub sings has led many to tears of joy. With his quick wit and quirky humor combined with the music, it makes for a unique show!

Act Information

Luku The Mad, while a solo stage act, has up to two tip/merch girls who also participate in the act in the form of playful banter during the show. They also help to get the crowd involved by leading in ques for audience participation parts such as clapping, call and response during songs, and picking audience members for involvement in the show.

Promo Lines

Short Tag Line: Poetic Eddas for the Modern Boozer! A high energy musical show!.
Long Tag Line: Poetic Eddas for the Modern Boozer! Luku the Mad Skald is a high energy and wild musical comedy act. With drinking and sing along songs galore, his bawdy shows are not to be missed, and have earned him the title "The Sultan of Smut".

Promo Images

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